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Learn About Exam Prep's Features:

STC-icon_Library_RGB_wOutBorder_help_candidatesNew design: With a sleek new tile design, STC has made it easy to find and study for exams. It is easy to know where you stand at any time through the "My Scores" tile.

STC-icon_Library_RGB_wOutBorder_websiteondevicesEasy access:  Are your students enrolled in multiple study courses (e.g. Series 7, Series 66, and LAH) at once? With the new design each study course is accessed separately enabling the student to access only the materials for a particular exam if they wish

STC-icon_Library_RGB_wOutBorder_customized_programsExam flexibilityWith the new "Exam Center," the student can build their own exams. This flexibility allows students to choose the number of questions and the topics for their quiz.